45-Week Your Golden Journey Course:
Week 1 free trial

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Join teacher and author, Diana Christinson, for self-discovery and transformation as you focus in and expand upon each teaching from Your Golden Journey Week 1. Receive the first week's teaching and course material to inspire sustainable growth and change.
Students share their experiences with the course
I have thoroughly enjoyed the 45/52 week Golden Journey course. When the book first came out a group of us gathered and shared our experiences and reflections via Zoom as we progressed through the 45 day pilgrimage. This was during the pandemic and we found it helpful to discuss together how we were applying the lessons.
The 45/52 week journey provides a welcome structure and more time to build the habits and internalize the teachings. I really like the weekly videos. They served as a reminder when they hit my inbox. And the monthly ZOOM gatherings were also helpful. Life got in the way of me attending all of them.
Diana always welcomed me to the ZOOM community and set a context for us during these calls. I have sent the book and journal as gifts to family and friends. They find, as I did, that the simple teaching phrases are comforting and powerful for people going through any sort of life transition.
Diana Christinson’s, The Golden Journey 45/52 week's conference series (paired with Your Golden Journey Guide and Journal), saved my life. I sought out Diana at a time when my life’s journey turned a corner into unwelcome situations and significant health challenges. I felt I had few options and my future was grim. I was devastated, ashamed as I always thought my lifestyle was healthy.
Diana is very approachable. She is intimate and loving, teaching self-love, and helped guide and unveil my implicit biases, reframe dark thought patterns, build awareness of how this marred the quality of my days (that trickled unrealized into weeks, months and years), and change my approach to deceptive workaholic habits. Diana’s work with me is changing me even now, and with this build an evolutionary understanding within the lessons of gratitude, and the beauty though misunderstood challenges of impermanence that is usually in our culture unwanted, shunned, denied or ignored.
Diana is humble, kind and smart, as well as her quick-witted humor and gentleness is ever welcoming. in knowing her through this this 45-week pilgrimage, I have come to admire that she has herself met the challenges of many significant life experiences in her professional and personal life and done so graciously (though most would find those experiences harrowing). She is a lifelong mentor to me as she follows evidence-based literature that she has collected and updated through her life. I am ever grateful for having her and the comradery of those fellows that also sought out their own hero’s journey within the lessons of each week with Diana and the Golden Journey Pilgrimage.
Week 1 FREE trial
of Your Golden Journey: the 45-week Extended Experience course by Diana Christinson
Once signed up, look in your inbox for the free trial access email from Diana